Monday, May 12, 2014

The first steps

Let me introduce myself, I am the narrator of this blog and will be commenting and sharing my journey with you all.
What journey you may ask?
 I will be studying abroad in England next fall semester.Taking time to explore the UK and take in the customs, culture and working hard at my classes of course!
Now that the when, and wheres have been established let me go into greater detail on the how, whys and especially the who.
Ive always been a reader, its why my college degree is in English.  The books, mostly fantasy,  that I obsessed over as a child and still hold close to my heart are closely linked to England for me. The adventures of Harry Potter roaming the halls of Hogwarts, the Pensive children venturing into a backless wardrobe, and the deep forests of Middle-earth have all spoke of England to me, well if you want to get technical lord of the rings is in Middle-earth, but the landscape and history has always been closely linked to English country side in my mind.
To be going to a place so filled with wonder and history is a dream come true. America is only a small toddler in the eyes of England's vast history, a history I don't know much about, whereas American history has been force fed to us every year, rehashing the same time span, since we were old enough to write.
This blog will be focused on the new sights, sounds, tastes and everything else I experience in England for anyone who wants to go in the future or those who are getting ready to go now and need a bit of encouraging advice to help along the way.
These will be my first steps along my own personal journey...

 “It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
 ― J.R.R Tolkein, The Lord of the Rings